I will draw the winner's name on June 7th.
I might as well continue with my thoughts that I was going to post before I realized the 500 #. I may ramble.
Some friends and I started meeting on monday mornings to play with watercolors. I used to paint all the time and haven't really done a pure painting in years(usually collage it up). Anyway, we were talking about our families. We talked about dealing with elder parents and how to cope with their mind issues as they age. How to deal with the mood changes and not become frustrated or hurt. We expressed how we hoped our children would not have to go through some of the anxieties we experienced. Then, we said, what in the world are the kids(or friends) going to do with all our STUFF! Some STUFF is very important to ME, but they wouldn't know that. I have this salt and pepper collection. I LOVE it. The boys do not need salt and pepper shakers!!!!!! How about my very favorite bears(children's hospital, safe house for abused wives, a friend of mine). The art of mine that I truly value and those special pieces from friends?????? who, where? So, you get the idea. Now to the reason I am telling you all this!
We decided to make a small journal for our children. A place where we can jot down thoughts about things that pop into our minds that are important to us. I am calling mine, MOM, YOU ALREADY TOLD ME THAT.
My first entry :
"It was so hard dealing with mama when she got dementia and I was so hurt by how she behaved and didn't know what to do. If I get cranky and if I tell you I don't want a hug, HUG ME ANYWAY! And, If I want to tell you something and you have heard it before, don't say "mom you told me that already", just let me tell you one more time."
I plan to write down some ideas for where STUFF will go and of course am on a daily clean-out program or redistribution to help.
It sounds like I am goin die tomorrow, no I just want the important people in my life to know I love them. Instead of saying, I'll do that later, I am doing it now, that's all.
Thank you for listening!
The journal is a wonderful - and thoughtful - idea. I'm going to start one now. I like the idea of being able to say things and decide where some things will go that are not in the will.
Good idea!
...and - 500 posts?! my! Congratulations! I don't know if I'll make it to 200! - and what a lovely prize - she's/they're adorable!
Peggy, your post brings tears to my eyes....I think your book idea is fab and I would like to do that for mine as well.
My parents are getting up there in age as well. One starts to be more concerned and wants to help more. Right now though, they are not quite old enough to want the help, even if they need it. I guess that could be a good sign!
I wish you the very best with your parents.
Interesting Peggy the mind of an almost 65 year older who is a collector! hehehehe I sure love you sweetie, and ya better ask those boys of yours you could be wrong. They may surprise you and beg for those shakers! Hugs, Sanna
Peggy! Congrats on 500!
Second- your journal is a FABULOUS idea! We've spent over a year now cleaning out Grandma & Grandpa's house, upon Grandpa's death and Grandma's dementia. She's so not herself, it's difficult to deal with at times. A journal like youre making would have been such a blessing. I'm afraid my poor Daddy is only going to be able to remember these last few horrible years....
Congrats on your 500th post, and your journal idea is great. You go girl...
Create & Share
Linda (Okla)
Congratulations on 500! That means I have come here at least 500 times and left smiling! What a nice thought! :)
The journal - what a fantastic and touching idea! Those words will be forever cherished, I think. Shea's grandpa did a talking/recorded journal for all of us - all the history of his life (he's 97 now!). And we just love having those words! The "voices" of those we love become more and more important through the years, I believe! :)
Lots of love and hugs to you, Mama P! Thanks for bringing sunshine to my life 500 (and more!) times! :)
How timely...I am dealing with an elderly mother who is cranky, depressing, sometimes caustic and NOT the Mom I knew. It's tough and I swear (as we all do) that I won't put my daughter through it when I'm OLD. Hmmmm...a journal. Something I hadn't thought of. I'll contemplate it while you go right ahead! I may catch up :) And STUFF..I've got plenty. No s&p shakers, but things I love but I know my daughter wouldn't. Thank you for your inspiration and Congrats on 500 posts. I have NO idea how many I have...probably 20! :)
Many warm hugs to you from me....
Wow...powerful words young lady! And what a wonderful idea...I hope the boys appreciate it!
I also love the collage. I can't believe you are up to post 500. You started after me and have passed me by far! I better get on the move and start typing!!!
BTW...I know of a great place for those salt and pepper shakers (wink, wink!)
Love you!
I love the journal idea, Peggy, and your kids will love it too!!
That's so funny that you were talking about that because I've been thinking about that myself & would love to adopt a young-un to send all my stuff to!!!
Happy 500th post to you!!!
And I LOVE the art that you made at Asilomar, you were truly inspired!!!
The most wonderful thing that can be left to family members and friends are your WORDS. (well, art too!) What a gift, truly
I think, since I lost both my parents 17 days apart and being an only child, it would have helped the very very rough times to have had their words to help me, console me, guide me, or just make me laugh.
Going though all the items in the house was heartwrenching. But as I took my father's computer apart, a small card fell out that read "You don't smoke and I won't fart." (Dad was a horrid smoker...) At that point I laughed and cried both.
What is it about the written word that can bring such joy and pain and peace to us?
And a big CONGRATS on the 500th post! Wonderful!
Peggy - congrats on your 500th post!! I do read it quite often, but don't have a blog to link back to. The journal idea is a great one - I will ask my kids what they might like of my treasures and try to just go ahead and give some of them away now instead of later. But, a journal to keep my own wishes in would probably be very helpful down the road too!
It should go without saying, but I do so love your collage!! Someone will be very happy to win it!
I can so relate to dealing with elderly parents. I also have an uncle I am responsible for; a real piece of work!
Your collage is lovely- would love to have a chance at winning it!
Happy 500 blogaversary! I should write it down, but I've already told my daughters to go through the house and take what they want when I die; then, call my friends and have them take what they want; then either call someone to take everything else away or set the place on fire.
congratulations on your 500th! here's to 500 more!
Cograts, Peggy! That's quite an accomplishment! I really enjoy reading your blog and checking out your work on a regular basis. It's always lovely and inspiring. Can't wait to see your finished Baldwin piece and more to follow! ~Nina in San Diego~ Nreeba@aol.com
Peggy, congratulations on post #500!! That's a beautiful gift that you're giving away! And the journal idea? Genious!! Sheer genious!!
(from PW)
Peggy, congratulations on post #500!! That's a beautiful gift that you're giving away! And the journal idea? Genious!! Sheer genious!!
(from PW)
Congrats on the 500th post The journal idea is great-I must start one
congratulations on your 500th post!! what a lovely gift you are giving.......me,me,me,me,me,me,me!!
The journal is a great idea.My mom said that she wasn't going to leave anything special to my twin and I..she wanted to sit up in heaven and laugh as we fought over stuff(we didn't have the typical twin thing)..funny thing is, we didn't fight..went out of our way to be sure the other was happy!
The only thing we leave behind is our legacy of love. And what a loving way to give our love and a hug to the ones we care about the most. Great idea, Peggy.
Congrats on your 500th Post Anniversary! It's an awesome accomplishment! Hugs, Terri xoxo
Congrats on your 500th post! That is absolutely amazing. I love your honestly in your blog. I have left instructions in envelopes attached to the bottom of dishes and items so the kids have a sense of its history. I thought the same thing when I started, "Shessh, it sounds like I'm getting ready to die." But then I thought "No, I just want my kids to know about certain things." I'm so glad I read your blogspot and I love the journal idea. I'm going to pick up a notebook tomorrow. Thanks Peggy and hugs! Sallie
Peggy...what a wonderful idea. I have to tell you that I cried when I read this. At my daughter's Open House yesterday, some of our friends stopped by for a visit. The wife has Alzheimers and spent time talking to her and letting her talk to me about whatever she was thinking. Even though she had no idea who I was, she was enjoying talking about "old times". Even though she adored my daughter when she was little, she did not know her yesterday. But we were just so glad to see her and talk to her.
I love your piece of art...and your thoughtful post.
Christy Laudig
Peggy, your 500th post really touched me and made me think. I like your idea of the journal.
Congratulations on your 500 posts!!! And what a lovely idea for a journal.
Hi Peggy! I'm on the same journey. My mom had to move into assisted living and we sorted through her art and collections before selling her home. So much was discarded because of time and 'what do we do with this??' The journal is a fantastic idea from a fantastic lady. That whole business inspired me to re-organize my stuff, too.
500 posts! Congratulations my sweet. I have fond memories of you & I sitting in the outdoor cafe in Oaxaca with our amigas :) Thanks for the fabu idea. xoxo Vickie
Hi Peggy! Congrats on your 500th post...but moreso for your journal. It's a wonderful idea, something we all should adapt. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your love. I don't know if you know how special you are! Well, you are! Love, LynnF
another fab piece of art Peggy-my fave colors too! What a wonderful idea for a journal!! I kinda did something like that when my son was little but never continued with anything once he got older. Also LOVE your Ann Baldwin art-I so love her work and hope to soon buy her book. Happy 500th!!!
The piece you are giving away is absolutely lovely.If it is a print, and I don't win, I 'dbe very interested in purchasing one. Please let me know.
And I adore the name of the journal. I'm going ot start one , also. My mom is in assisted living for alzheimer's, has a house full of STUFF and it is so hard to do eveything that needs to be done.
I'm very new to your blog, and was curious, so came to check it out. I love, love love the pic with the ladies in News paper dresses. Is that you or you family?? Thank you for sharing.
Jassz (on A.R.T. yahoo group)
Congrats on your 500th post. Please put my name in the hat.
I love reading your blog, getting a look at your art, and also getting to see the handsome men in your life. Your journal idea is great, and I too have things my sons would probably roll their eyes saying "Mercy" when looking at it all. I'm afraid it will all end up at a thrift shop, unless I too, write in a journal. So, thanks for the idea, and I am crossing my fingers, hoping I will be the one to own a piece of your art.500, wow! where has the time gone? bstoby@charter.net
Congrats on your 500th post PEggy. It is always so much fun to visit your blog! This is a wonderful post, keep them coming.
you are Brilliant pG and I'm gladdo i know you! xo
(congrats too!)
Mom...you already DID tell me this! ;p....Never worry about me. I know how much your work (and certain collections) mean to you - but I'm not always sure that you know that! Just continue to share as much as you can with me. I'm interested. You are the reason I am so creative in my own life and we need to always support that creativity in eachother. Is it a deal?! It better be...! : )
The journal is a fantastic idea. I have one son and I am not sure he will keep all the books I have or all of the other ephemera that I have. At least if I tell him where to send the items, he will do so.
Congratulations on the 500th post. I love watching your work progress.
Mary Wilkins
You are so SWEET and INSPIRING!! I just love reading your blog! CONGRATS on the 500th post!! WOW!
Congratulations on your 500th post. I know what you mean about your parents and having your feeling hurt. My mother is going to be 95 this year. We are going to have to move her and it is going to be rough and she is going to be so mad at us, but it must be done as she can not longer live alone. I love your journal idea.
Wow Peggy, I can really relate to what you say..... My mom was an avid creative being.....and with that there was alot of stuff. Twenty years ago my mother and I move to Arizona with my five month old from England...I only took what I could carry in two suitcases! We had patio homes that were next door to each other. When my siblings bailed on her, I let my house and moved in to help her. After awhile she wanted to live with my sister who made her get rid of all of her stuff!... Well I kept what I could move in time allowed, but landed giving so much away. Well she came back....and she has lived in my Patio home for five years and acquired more stuff. She passed away six months ago and I have yet to organize her things. However, I am finding it difficult to go through her things at this point and I am sharing the stash with my sister, brother and nieces. And once I go through and organize it all, will I remember where I put it?
Peggy - please put my name in the drawing and congrats on your 500th post!!!! I still haven't gotten there yet... I love the idea of your journal, I have a bunch of paintings and other stuff that I need to do that with in case my family doesn't want it. Marva
Congratulations on reaching your 500th post. My parents are in their 80's and I am watching them slowly decline. I keep thinking about the time when I will have to go through all their stuff. Your journal idea is a fabulous one, and I'll be starting one to deal with the disposition of all the things I have collected. I also plan to purge things in the near future that I thought were important once upon a time but really aren't.
Congrats on the 500th post Peggy. I am always telling my boys what something is worth, where I got it, what relative that is, a journal seems like the answer. How clever of you. My aging parents are still bright as tacks - lucky me. However they are collectors, too. They took it room by room making a list of everything in the room. Then made copies and my brother and sister and myself went through and decided who wanted what. Not written in stone, but gave everyone a good idea of where we stand. It was a grueling process. On another note I love your collage and hope you will continue with your painting.Looks like you are having fun!
WOW!! Congratulations my friend!! 500 posts! A real accomplishment! And your journal idea is wonderful! And so is your blog! Full of inspiration and wonderful eye candy!! Here's to 500 more posts!! :-)
500 posts! Congratulations on your artistic milestone!
dear peggy,
congratulations on your acheivement! What a fine way to celebrate, by sharing your journal - a wonderful idea. Thanks for always taking a minute to check in and think of others, especially when you are known & loved by so many!!
Gosh Peggy, your journal has got me thinking. Who is going to care about all my precious decoupage items when I'm gone? I have no daughters, only sons who really may not appreciate it. The thought of it ending up in some second hand shop or op shop doesn't appeal at all. Will anyone care what happens to it?
Love your blog Peggy.
Hugs Elaine
Congrats on your 500th post, Peggy! My dear grandmother had dementia and was so unlike her true self. Art was an escape for me! I just think it is so awesome that you've shared such lovely work with us all! Congrats again, Paula
Wonderful collage and congrats on your 500th post. I have two friends that have recently lost their Mothers and they have come to the same realization that they need to downsize and earmark stuff now, for when the inevitable happens.
Everyone needs to make it as easy as possible for the family and friends they leave behind so they can grieve properly and not have to worry too much about "stuff" and what to do with it.
kjkoukla(at)hotmail(dot) com
Hey Peggy--
Am I too Late?? If so Happy 500th anyway! If not--please enter my name and Happy 500th---if only I could post 15th as much as you!
Brenda Bliss
I Love your journal idea, I hope you don't mind but this is something I must do too!
I'd love to be included in your draw. I,m having one shortly so you might want to check it out
Wow, congrats on your 500th post, Peggy! That's fantastic! Love your blog, you're so creative and inspiring! : )
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