Please meet Simon!
He is a 3 year old rescue dog we brought home on saturday. At first he was so busy exploring and getting to know us. 5 days later he is adapting to his new surroundings and seems to like his bed!
I have not done any art since we got him(well, maybe once) because I am busy taking him outside, then inside, then upstairs, then downstairs then outside, then get the idea!! He is getting used to the backyard, but we have a small pool, so I need to be with him. He likes to be with me, take naps, play with his squeaky bone, and go for walks.
My son says
"mom, you are about to meet "the dog people"!!!
Life is good!
i must add that his dad takes him for first morning walk and then brings him in the bedroom so simon can say hello. He is now able to jump up and be with me! This is all at 7 am, which I realize for most of you is not early. To me it IS!
Ah, so cute :-)
Anne x
He is the sweetest little thing. Shitzu? I know he'll have you trained in no time, Peggy. That's a dog's JOB! heee
We're considering adopting a dog, too, but can't make up our minds. It's been 15 yrs since we've had a dog in our home, so the adjustment could be interesting. I know you are busy with Simon right now, but hopefully he'll get into a groove and you can get back to making art. Your son is funny!
I'll follow your progress ~ maybe it'll help me get off the dime.
He is adorable. I can see why you would prefer to be with him than make art. Having a new member in the family takes a bit of getting used to from both sides. I'm sure he'll be acclimated soon. And good for you for getting a rescue dog.
Simon is just so cute.
A x
What a lovely chap he is hope you have a great time together
Oh well done you two and bless him, how gorgeous! You have a constant companion! Is he your first dog?
Ah, how sweet. By 7 am I am the office. (Long and boring story)
What a beautiful addition to your family. I know how you feel though as I have a 22 week old pub pub and I am always in and out of the house LOL. Have a good evening, Tracy Evans x
we have two rescue dogs - they are the best kind of dog in my opinion, he may take time to settle but he will love you soooo much for giving him a real home,
That cat is supreme !
Peggy, he is so sweet, I know you will adore him and have so much fun.
Congratulations! How lucky for Simon to find a home with you! My dog gives me so much joy and comfort.
he looks quite comfortable in his bed!
Oh, Simon is gorgeous. S x
Bless you, Peggy! You are an angel among us!
Simon looks so cute in his bed!
At last! A fellow dog lover...and a dog rescuer to boot :0)
My brother has a rescued Rottweiller, he's so loyal and loving.
*hugs* Heather x
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