PS= photoshop
put the image on PS and dropped in some colors using paint bucket
soft light and pin light

dropped a few more different colors to various ares with paint bucket
more paint
daisy and rose special effects paint brush with different colors
Used a ink filter
changed to black and white
artistic filter

dropped a few more different colors to various ares with paint bucket

more paint

daisy and rose special effects paint brush with different colors

Used a ink filter

changed to black and white

I just play with the tools available and see what happens. You can change this one background in hundreds of ways by simply using your filters or brushes. I am self taught, so the tech specifics are unfamiliar to me. I just like color and try different patterns. You can always click "undo" and start again.
Beautiul! Gorgeous images! I have never used photoshop..I dont know how..sounds like fun. Wonderful work.
Yay Peggy, you're a star!!! What a fab tutorial!! I will have to have a play with that when I get five minutes, love it!!!! :) TFS
Thanks for the tut Peggy. I've been messing around with Adobe Elements, too. The possibilities are endless!
Have a great week!
Oh wow these changes are great. I love what you have achieved. Obviously Photoshop is a great piece of software. Annette x
Thanks Peggy! I'm attempting to learn Photoshop effects at the moment after seeing so many beautiful digital collages but am struggling.
Your tutorial is very helpful.
very cool, Wish I had photoshop!
Awesome. 3 of thesee hung together on the wall would make a great triptic.
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