Thursday, May 17, 2012


google eyed paintbrush!


Tracey FK said...

Peggy your link isn't working properly... and I would hate anyone to miss this little piece of wonderful... I would love faces on my brushes... mind you I think they would all have angry faces with the way I treat them...xx

Helen Campbell said...

This is wonderful and makes me smile! Happy PPF!

Netty said...

LOL brilliant fun Peggy. Happy PPF, Annette x
PS couldn't get your link to work at PPF, says the page doesn't exist...

Valerie-Jael said...

Good one! Valerie

carol l mckenna said...

LOL ~ fun! ~ love humor ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

Carolyn Dube said...

What fun! Happy PPF!

Mary C. Nasser said...

Super-cute!! :)
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Lol! This is fantastic! :))

Marji said...

OH my gosh... this so made me smile. Love!!! Happy PPF

minnemie said...

BIG smile:-)

Anne Manda said...

LOL! That's so cute!

kristin maynes said...

That's so cute! I love it! I hope you have a great weekend also. Happy PPF!

Debbie said...

Very funny and original!!

FLO said...

trop mignon!!!

Giggles said...

HAHAHA funny! Thanks for giving me a giggle! Happy ppf!

Hugs Giggles

carlarey said...

Love him! Makes me want to glue goggle eyes on one of my brushes and make it my mentor.

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend, Peggy. Love your Mr. Paintbrush!

Lynn Cohen said...

Scrolling up and down here I like ALL of your art pieces. This with a sense of humor; other's of beauty and emotion; some with playful layers...All fun to see. HPPF. took two trys to get your blog to appear. LOVE your header too.

Abela said...

So cute...jajaja. Saludos

Mimi said...

ah very cute. WOndered why you were on the list twice... I get it now

Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors

Deepa Gopal said...

WOW! Didn't expect this! It's lovely:)

GlorV1 said...

Hi Peggy. Good to see you. I love your sense of humor and that is definitely a fun brush. Thank you for the smile. Have a wonderful week ahead.

Faye said...

Hilarious, Peggy!

SHERI COOK said...

OK! This one made me smile.
Happy PPF!
Sheri Cook
Happy Horse Studio