My chance to say thank you to all the visitors you have come by my blog and shared my "crazy mixed-up" art. It has been such fun for me to pass on litle bits of my special memories, my art and projects .
The framed picture, "Little Nettie Eddicoat" will be going to the person who's name will be drawn on june 15th, the year anniversary of my blog!
Please enter your name to the comments HERE and I will put your name in a hat. Please make sure I am able to email you if I need your address. I still have 1 gift giveaway for the winner that I never could reach and I really tried to find her! So, email me if you are not sure I have your info. THANKS!
You can view the framed art in my june 7th post.
Hope you play!
ooohhh yay I'm first so maybe that means I'll be the lucky winner?? :D It's a lovely collage Miz Peggy and I will be extrememly jealous of whoever wins it!
Happy blogaversary!
Peggy, Always love your mixed up art.
Happy Blogaversary!
I love all your artwork and would feel so priviledged to own a piece of your soul. Looking forward to seeing who is the lucky recepient is.
Lisa Pittard
What a joy it would be to have this beautiful piec of art by Peggy!! :)Linda
Oh Oh Oh how could I resist the opportunity to try for an ORIGINAL Peggy? I thank you for your blog Peggy- it so cheerfully is an important part of my week!
Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! I love peggy's mixed up art!!! Actually, I really the love the sense of humor too!!!
Happy ONE YEAR, Peggy!! I love your ART!
Hooray for your blog-a-versary!!! I'd love to win your art piece, you already know how much I love your ever cheerful art!!
Peggy, I so enjoy your blog and love the art I see here. Hope you pick me!!!
Would love to win your framed art piece, Peggy!!!
An early happy blogaversary wish to you.
Happy Anniversary dear Peggy! How exciting it is to celebrate one year...and poor Hoops/YoYo aren't even there but I'm sure Sandee will sit them down to write you a note. Have a great week sunshine! Hugs, Carol
I feel a little guilty entering the lottery, as I already own some original Peggy art.
But, I love it - so I'm entering anyway!
Not to mention, I'm greedy! LOL
Happy blogaversary!
Hi Peggy
what a fab giveaway,,waving from across the pond please pick me..Love stopping by to see you and your art
Love Sarahxxx
Peggy ... It has been eons since I have visted your blog ....and what wonderful memories you have given me .... from Errol Flynn to Casa Blanca .... what fun your art and blog are!
I must join in on this one, mama peg! I adore you and your blog and love sharing your life with you this way! My favorite stories so far are the one about your mom and the pony at her funeral (you know, there ARE NO Coincidences!!) and your post about the dear Cathy. I just LOVE that you guys stopped and ate swedish pancakes!! THAT is the stuff life is made of - those memories - they are precious!!
Love You Dear Friend!!!
Happy blogaversary!! I hope tha Hoope and yoyo are still going to be coming to the farm work..uuurrgh..garden..um.. I mean play!! Heehee!! Love your blog!!
Happy Blog Anniversary, Peggy!
I LOVE the piece that you created and would be honored to have it grace the walls of my home!
three cheers for your one year! hip, hip hooray! congratulations on blogging along all this time. xo-k
I finally found it! Good job and how nice you had a party for your friend (june 8 post). Good luck with the next zillion years blogging!
Trish aka Cheeka
Hi Peggy,
What a great idea! Happy anniversary! I'm new to blogging, I'm celebrating two months.
Keep creating and keep blogging!
hi peggy
i'm a lurker on art techniques and found your blog on the links page
all i can say is WOW wonderful work
love the pic;s and story of your mom and her horse silver:)
happy blogaversary
continue to shine
many thanks
Happy blogiversary! Please throw my name in the hatfor lovely little Nettie!
Happy Blogaversary PEggy. Little Nettie is a wonderful piece of art and I would be honoured if I were to win.
HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY to the "Prolific Peggy"!
Happy Happy Blogaversary!!! Your art is inspiring and lots of fun. What a gorgeous piece you're giving away, thank you for the chance to win it!
~*~Patty at Magpie's Nest
Happy Blogaversary!!!
Love the Paris Window shopping!
I love your Nettie piece! Your work is always gorgeous. Congrats on your blog-a-versary!
Congrats on your blog anniversary. It has been really fun getting to know you over the past few months. I love your flower painting.
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