Roof tops and other end!
When assembled you add a small battery light under the house and it glows!!!!!

If you ever get an opprotunity to take ANY class from Sally Jean, do not hesitate and do not walk....run to get in!!! I have tried for 4 years to get a class with her and I was always too late. They fill up FAST! I know why!!!! Most supplies are included except for papers and ephemera you wish to bring.! Clear instructions, she shows you each step, walks around class to help.....very fun personality and approachable!!!!
So, I didn't get my house put together, but I posted the elements I completed. I have 3 more sides to solder and then put house together. Most of the students finished their house in class, but I was close behind until I had to leave at 6:15 pm!
I'll tell you the story behind the my house when I post the completed photo!!!!
PS-THANKS SALLY JEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Peggy!
Your soldered pieces look EXQUISITE!!!! No wonder you wanted to take a class with your teacher for so long!!! What wonderful art work!!!! I LOVE it!!!!
oh can't wait to see the finished house! the components look wonderful!
peggy-this project was so up your alley! glad you got in :)
I've taken a Sally Jean class and totally agree with you.
Peggy, can't wait to see the finished house and the story behind it! Debbie
HOW FUN Peggy!! Can't wait to see your finished house!! Sounds like a WONDERFUL experience!
This is very cool!!! Can't wait to see it finished. I'd love to do something like this!
Peggy Thank you forshowing this wonderful house..i cant wait to see it complete....looks amazing already!!!
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